I am sure you guys remember us doing a school supply give away. We were able to provide supplies for three kiddos with The Home for Children of Milton and two more from our community.
Meet Jessica, Lucas, and Breanna. This awesome family of three consists of two 5th graders (Irish twins) and a single mama who gives her all to make sure these kids never go without. Jessica entered our drawing for school supplies in hopes that she could win and free up a little bit more money for school clothes, lunches, and the like. Well, congrats Jess! Lucas is an awesome 10 year old boy who has a heart bigger than you can imagine and a love of Minecraft that rivals his love of anything else on the planet. Breanna is 9 years old and seems to be going on 30. She works hard everyday to help mom cook dinner, clean the house, and keep big brother in check. These kiddos will be attending Rhodes Elementary, right here in Milton, and are so excited to start their school year off with a bang!
Pictured below, you can see the kiddos with their hand-selected backpacks (they wanted to “show how their backpacks would look all year” which is why they are wearing them!) and big bags full of stuff for their “Meet the Teacher” event, held yesterday. They were so excited to meet their teachers, drop everything off, and get a sense of what their “senior year” of elementary school would be like. Good luck in 5th grade, kiddos! We can’t wait to see you thrive.
Story and pictures have been shared with permisson.
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